Mura wrote me in monday's blog comments about an awful thing. Nature turned it's wicked sense of humor against Hollywood. A sequel may hang in the balance.
Edmund, the nasty little boy from the Chronicles of Narnia movie is trapped in Beirut, threatened on all sides by all sides! Irony of ironies, it's exactly like a movie. But what can I do? He must be bored.
Maybe I could host a fundraising drive to send him a... no, that's not going to work. The PS3 isn't out until next year. Damn. All out of ideas.
You could send him a broomstick!
That's a different movie altogether Moxie!
That's a nice balcony you got there. Wish my owners had a balcony with greenery.
Wait - Is that a tomato plant? I love tomatos! Or anything round and squishy that I can find on the ground.
Wow, you look trapped, too. Are you sure you're getting out enough? My apartment's different from yours -- I can sneak down the stairs and wait by the door and make a break for it when my people come home with bags in their hands.
I agree. Look at all that basil you've got around you! I think Bo needs to come visit again...I PROMISE he'll behave!
Bring it, Bo! Bring it.
Don't say that Cooper! Our boys are over there and you're only putting them at risk with those taunts!
This war is making me cyclical. I'm not even sure who to root for any more? The God of Israel or the God of Hezbollah? And anyway, what gives those gods the right to play god with the lives of aspiring young actors? Poor Edmund. He's just a boy, caught in the DUI orgy of Mideast crossfire. And he's not even near-cousin to Mel Gibson, who's been kind of begging for an air raid on his Hollywood compound if you ask me.
I wonder if Hezbollah's God would consider checking Himself into the Promises Treatment Center in Malibu for violence addiction? He could look at it like a positive career move, adding his name to a long list of addicted celebrities. Everyone knows he hasn't been keeping the best company lately. If nothing else, the treatment center could be a great networking opportunity. I think Hezbollah would benefit from sharing a joint with Kelly Osbourne. But if I know Him, it's more likely He'd get his kick off sharing a bat with Kelly Osbourne's dad.
That is uncomfortably funny on so many levels. I'm a genius.
The least we can do is thank the Gods that young Edmund has good weather. They say the Lebanese Spring is a beautiful yet mournful thing to witness every couple of decades.
You mean "cynical" Cooper, not "cyclical." Though truth be told, cyclical better characterizes your logic.
Good news about Edmund. He's got a photo gallery online!!!
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